is this week's Illustration Friday theme. An excellent theme that can be interpreted a variety of ways. I am posting a plain black & white line drawing! I did a number of these hoping to get some work doing spots for children's textbooks. I showed them to two very experienced illustrators I know: both said, "Excellent work! You're good to go!" But go where? It turns out textbooks are a very difficult market to break into. It seems you have to have an agent, and I don't...yet. Oh well! I had a lot of fun doing them, they were a great exercise in artistic restraint and line control, and I guess it's a case of virtue being its own reward, even though virtue would really have preferred to be rewarded with a few paying jobs! ;->
I'm posting this particular spot because my twins are turning fourteen tomorrow! Like every other birthday mother everywhere my thoughts are all "That was fast!" and "I can't believe it!" And "I have got to get that cake baked!"
Happy Birthday to your twins. Your work is excellent, I hope you will be able great your b/w drawings published.
lovely line drawing...good luck breaking into the "business" and happy birthday to the twins !!!
Your line drawings look just right for spot illustrations. I'm looking forward to seeing your work popping up all over!! And happy birthday to your twins!!
Hey Lady!
I love it! I love your work! Wow, your twins are 14, time for them to get a real job! lol!
Its' fun seeing your work here.
Nice one, I really like the clean lines on this!
Great job with the clean lines. Very nice illustration. I love the black and white.
Even plain is nice
Hi Nancy...
thanks for popping by or I would not have found your blog!!!
Great line drawing ...I love the fact that it's black and white...not plain at all to me...
Happy Birthday to your twins...how wonderful....and goodluck with that birthday cake...it will be perfect...
Great illustration! I enjoyed reading your post too.
Fine to print my illustration. In fact I'll send a high rez. version if you want. Email me.
i agree ít is excellent. ohh happy birthday to your twins. hoping you all had a nice time.
aha! we did have similar ideas for this theme :)
Love your line drawing - black and white always looks so nice and clean.
still nice, as usual. gorgeous painting, your "stitch". love it!
It's a bit of a circle isn't it, that whole agent thing! Being payed is good too!
I can't imagine anyone turning down any of your work.
Happy birthday to the twins.
you're super talented...love your work.
Jen Ramos
'100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards'
Excellent drawing Nancy. Have you tried looking in the current 2008 Children's Writers and Illustrators market? I think there are a lot of textbook/workbook publishers who don't require an agent. Keep on them..your work will sell itself ;)
Yes, your work will sell itself! There are so many outlets for ad agencies too. We are always using simple line art for storyboards and interactive work.
Very, very nice balanced drawing. It's got a lot of expression and feeling in it. Terrific idea doing b&w for "plain"!
(L) this one!
And I love realistic illustrations.. and I realy love yours!!
Double happy birthday to yours !!!
Your plain offers calm and serenity
Ciao :o)
Thanks for your comment! I'm still calibrating a laptop monitor and am afraid everything looks too yellow to everyone BUT me! :)
I like what you did here too - try submitting to monotype in Baltimore for educational spots.
thanks for your visit that brought me here, really enjoy seeing your works, they're superb!
happy happy bday, miller twins! 14...ohhh wow. that seems far away...but not really THAT far! hey, nance, you should go check out 2 really "in your line" reps, to get your foot in, if you can. take a peek at hkportfolio (for an amazing bunch of storybooky/playful/cutting edge portfolios and then go see wilkinson, which is really wonderful and basic and mostly educational and they use quite a bit of line spots, annnd, they can hire you for a one-time gig, if they like your work, and then take you on, fulltime. :)
Very cool. It has a homey feel, like a minimalist Norman Rockwell, not gangsta like. So with twins, can you get away with one cake?
It looks great. The line work is perfect. I bet it'll look even greater in color.
Very nice! Love your paintings here, they are really amazing!
Happy bday to your twins!! and what a wonderful illo - i absolutely adore it!
Birthday party happiness? As my niece says: "Holler!!" I hope the day was beautiful.
Line drawing is wonderful and deceptively simple! Perfect.
I love the "plain" black and white drawing. The girl looked so proud bringing the birthday cake out.
And, most importantly, happy birthday to your twins. 14 years! It's amazing how times just fly, isn't it?
Sweet! I love your line drawings! Your style is so tight and happy.
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