is the theme at Illustration Friday this week. What fun, I love painting babies! I was one of those little maternal girls with a family of dolls I lovingly tended, and I still like to draw babies whenever I get the chance. Very rarely does anyone ever commission a painting of a baby however...I guess because they change so dramatically in such a short span of time. Often there is only a faint resemblance between an adult's face and his or her baby face, but there is usually some likeness between a child's face and an adult's. Personally I love the face morph time. I love doing teenage portraits as well, again, a time period only rarely commissioned.
Well whatever, this challenge has made me realize that I have only ever painted five or six portraits of babies (!) and I'd like to do more. So maybe I'll just do some for fun. If you live near me (Philadelphia) and have a cute baby, send me an email!
I was shocked to realize it has been several months since I last participated in IF! I have been busy preparing for my first one person show in New York; it's called Still Moments and I just delivered all the paintings on Tuesday. Now comes the nerve-wracking period before the opening, where I worry about the work and its presentation even though at this point there is little to do except try and find a nice dress for the reception. If you're in Chelsea on June 7th, please stop in Sherry French Gallery and say Hi! And if you say Hi Baby I'll know you got there from IF ;->
Nya and Katina, oil on canvas, 28 x 24 inches
this is absolutely beautiful. A piece of true skill and talent!
gorgeous, nancy. you're gonna wow the heck out of em' in chelsea. :))
Nancy, it's very nice. And congrats on your show!! That is awesome. :-)
p.s. quit worrying
Yay, you're back! This is beautiful!
Congrats on your opening, you'll be fabulous and everyone will be amazed! :)
When I saw today's topic, I immediately thought of you! The portrait of mother and baby is heartwarming, the moment so perfectly captured.
I'm so happy for you regarding the solo show! Seeing your work grouped together this way reconfirms, for me anyway, the Hopper-esque quality I love about your work. He was always one of my favorite artists, and I feel him in your landscapes.
As for tablescapes...you are my favorite artist! I wish you a very successful show :)
That is a beautiful painting. The palette and brush strokes are bold. Nice composition too.
Nancy - this is beautiful! I would love to see your show and will try to think of a way to get to NYC -
hope all is well!
Breathtaking! What a beautiful piece of art.
oh how beautiful this painting is! I know your show will be a wonder, if only it wasn't so far I would be there in a heartbeat :)
It is great to see your beautiful work posted on IF again. I love your paintings and I can only imagine how wonderful your show will be! :)
Would love to visit, but I live at way way too far...
This is a beautiful portrait.
Very fine work. Thanks for sharing it -- very rich painting style.
I'll see if I can make it after work :) Either way, great work.
Very beautiful and so full of warmth.
Congratulations on the show. It's a pity NY is so far away from Poland, otherwise I would certainly come.
Wow, this is fantastic. What a warm feel. Sends me to my happy place.
Beautiful! Your paintings are amazing.
what an amazing piece Nancy and so thrilled that your participating in IF again...wonderful work!
a wonderful portrait of maternal pride and wide-eyed childhood innocemce, very nice. Good luck with your show.
Wow, you did a remarkable job with this! Great work!
this is so sweet. i especially love the expressions on both their faces
really sweet... congrats on your show!
Your work is amazing. Congratulations on your show in NYC!
Charming! Congratulation on your show, hope it's a great success!
Best regards from Malaysia!
Wow. Absolutely FABULOUS work!
beautiful piece, and I am in awe of your work on the gallery web page....you have an immense talent...best of luck with the show...it will be a huge success....
What a beautiful painting & IF post. I really hope you continue to create more baby portraits. Your lighting on all your paintings are "just right". Your work is wonderful.
Gorgeous! Congrats on your show!
beautiful work and thanks for my comment
congrats on your show! your paintings are amazing, i'm always an admirer!
wonderful painting!
This is absolutely stunning. Well done.
your paintings are so beautiful!! Great Blog here
very lovely painting with so much heart to it!
congrats on the show - I will try to stop in some time this month - I would love to see the work in person.
good luck on your show!
Beautiful baby& Good Luck w/your NYC show! And Thanks for the nice comment on my IF Baby. BTW looked at some of your other postings and if you're still interested about breaking into the Educational market e-mail me at: artist@dianadelosh. I have a limited Rep contract w/an agency that deals w/the edu market and would be willing to share info.
You are such an amazing painter, this is beautiful! And congrats on the show, I wish I could go!
It's GREAT Nancy!
Simply exceptional. WELL DONE!
Ooooh, O love it! I love everything about it. Your talent shows through again. Congratulations on the show...you'll rock the house!
Hi again Nancy- Thank you for commenting on my blog andmentioning Elsa Beskow... I was not aware of her- I just ordered CHILDREN OF THE FOREST- it looks wonderful- thank you so much for introducing me to her work!- John York
Your portraits are nothing short of amazing. You do such beautiful work! Congrats on your show...
Just beautiful!
Thank you everybody who commented! I was so touched and heartened by your kind comments. The reception today went incredibly well! I am exhausted but happy. Thanks again for your good wishes!
Congratulations on the show. Oh how I wish I could attend. That sounds really exciting. This painting makes me wish I would have done a portrait of my son.
Did you wear your boots to the opening? :-) This is gorgeous N.B...as is all your work, as are you.
I miss you.
Teehee, no boots, Alex! It was 98 degrees fahrenheit that day! I wore as little as possible....New York air conditioning being more like air softening! ;-)
Thanks again everyone for your totally wonderful encouraging comments!
This is so beautiful! I love that the mom is looking at the baby and not at the viewer, and her leather jacket is a nice contrast against the baby and her attire. Beautiful!
Beautiful painting!
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