is this week's theme over at Illustration Friday. This fairly recent painting seems to fit the bill.
I started painting this in a white-hot fit of inspiration, then suddenly...stopped. Six months later it is still unfinished, and I can't seem to muster up the aesthetic energy needed to bring it to conclusion. Yet, I feel it kind of has something good going, and I am not quite ready to abandon it. Maybe some help is needed? Any constructive criticism would be very welcome!
In the Doorway, oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches, 2009, Nancy Bea Miller
thank you so much! your paintings are absolutely gorgeous.
hey nancy - nice to hear from you and thanks for your comment. what is it about your painting that you feel is unfinished? it looks divine to me! didn't i see your name in the recent newsletter from scbwi? so cool, we are both now children's book illustrator's! all our hard work is starting to pay off, a little bit at least! now to get that 2nd book contract!
nancy: this is lovely. I know you think it needs to be "finished" but maybe the reason you stopped painting is that it is already done!
thanks for stopping by my blog and your comments. I enjoyed looking at your recent painting and following links to your other work.
I agree with Elizabeth that maybe it is finished and thats why you have stopped.
But for someone who has never visited your site before I found your people pictures had a clearness about them. Maybe, and only maybe, this child's face and hair is getting lost into the background and is lacking the clarity I feel I saw in your other pictures. What do you think?
Hi Nancy!!! this is so beautiful...what a wonderful piece...gorgeous!!!
Nancy your work is so sensitive , I don't feel that anything is missing here.
Beautiful touch!!
Thanks everybody! Gai, I think there is something in what you say and maybe that is part of what has been bothering me about the painting! I'm wondering if perhaps the light window in the background draws focus from the head. Your input is much appreciated!
This is absolutely fantastically gorgeous!!!
waaaaouuuuuuuuuuuuh Awesome!
Beautiful ! So peaceful ... that little girl made me feel welcome!
beautiful and charming. It seems complete to me
absolutely beautiful.
As I read all the comments I seemed to agree with most that if you had stopped, perhaps it really meant you were done. However, once I read your comment about the window, I saw the painting in a different way. I really saw the window pulling my eye and not being able to focus so much on the little girl. The tones and hues are very similar on both and the size/shape of both are about the same, so it takes away from the visual hierarchy of really seeing the girl's face (just my opinion). It is a lovely painting nevertheless.
Edrian | view my blog
thank you for visiting my blog.
I really admire your work, gorgeous paintings.
Thanks all! Edrian, I appreciate your input especially as you are corroborating my own thoughts on the matter! LOL! Any other suggestions would be welcomed too.
Nice--I especially like the gleam of the door reflecting in the floor.
What a lovely, atmospheric, haunting piece of work - love it!
Lovely delicate & moody image.
It is impossible to criticize you, you are amazing!
Absolutely lovely painting. I don't know what to add, it seems finished to me. You are so talented, I just love your work.
Oh, Nancy. This is just gorgeous as is. I love the contrast between the dark wall and her light face. And the reflection on the floor is fantastic!
Beautiful painting. Accomplished work. It's absolutely gorgeous :)
I wish you health and happiness every day!
Ich wunsche Ihnen Gluck und Gesundheit jeden Tag!
Je vous souhaite sante et bonheur chaque jour!
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very nice work
I've looked at at your site. For now just let me say 'wow.'...
I don't like the black, dark background. Why is the room so dark ? No details ? A lovely girl but I would like to see more details and more different colors.
But what am I to say. I am not a painter. You must know yourself why you painted this !!!!!
Thank you so much for your kind comments in my blog ! I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010 ! :)
What a sweet painting, I love that she's barefoot.
I do think it might just be finished, but at the same time I'd like to see her face express a hint of what is waiting on the other side of the door.
like it the way it is. ;-)
I think this fits the 'welcome' bill perfectly. And I don't think it needs a thing...except perhaps a wall to hang on!
__I keep returning to this, its the 'wonder' that I see in this face. A 'wonderful' painting Nancy! _m
Thanks for visiting my blog. You ask for an idea to complete this painting. I'm a bit late on the scene but I'd be tempted to paint a small cat sitting patiently quietly behind the little girl.
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